A teacher that influenced me? That would be my Junior High and High School English teacher, Mrs. Naylor. She was so down to earth and understanding that I could tell her anything. She made a difference in my life because, when I was in Junior High, I was kind of a troubled kid. I didn't really hang out with people that I should have. I would go into class and cause trouble everyday. Well, it came down to where I needed to go to tutoring. After sitting through tutoring and just having a normal conversasion with her for once, I realized that she is really an understanding person. After that, the rest of my Hedley School years were fun. I had a teacher that I could talk to when I had a bad day, and she could pick me up just by listening. She is probably everyone that was from there's favorite teacher. She was friends and cool with everyone. She was the teacher that when you saw someone who was having a troubled life, she was always anxious to help them. I miss that class so much, but I can't do anything about it. But I always stop by and say hi either at her house or at school when I go through there.