Friday, December 12, 2008

My room 101

I don't think you want a picture of my room 101. lol :p My biggest fear is being tortured. Guns, beatings, and drugs don't scare me. It's being torn apart limb from limb that terrifies me. I guess I'm scared of it because I have been through a lot, and torture just seems as a last alternative for death.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas over seas.

This picture symbolizes the dedication and courage that our soldiers show throughout the holidays. Many people would be upset to have to miss Christmas with their families, but these soldiers knew the importance of their duties and withstood their jobs. It's soldiers like these that should be honored during holidays for the courage that they give us. Being over seas on the holidays hurt the most. So we should thank all of our soldiers, and wish them a merry Christmas. :)